Intrigue Wiki

 Conflict of Intrigues—Bonus Material

Welcome Readers and Fans! 

So glad to see you've ventured a little further into the Intersection to peek behind the curtain of Conflict of Intrigues: the Marylebone Intersection. If you haven't already, let me encourage you to sign up to be an Intersection Insider. While I hope you will find the articles and resources of the Intrigue Wiki interesting, if not entertaining, there's a much deeper curtain to peek behind for those who dare. [Click here for more info.]

CONFESSION: This sight is still a work in progress and will continue to expand with frequent updates for the six months that follow the book's official launch date (06 DEC 2022) until the launch of Desert Storm Warning: The Dubai Intersection on 06 JUN 2023.

In an attempt to keep it simple, the bonus materials are organized into three broad categories but will likely add a consolidated quick reference index later.  Click on the headers below to get to the main page for that section or click directly on any live link below it to navigate directly to the resource that interests you.

If there are other resources you would like to see or simply have questions about the book, characters, plot lines, the author, or any of the existing resources, sign up to be an Intersection Insider to access the Author Q&A Portal.

Fiction Junction

Just the Facts

Just for Fun

  • On the Author's bookshelf
  • Timeline by the Headlines (from back of book)
  • Link to Book 1 YouTube Playlist
  • Book Club Resources (leader guides, handouts)
  • Timeline by the Headlines (unabridged)
  • Playlist with Author commentary
  • Previews of upcoming Intersection novels
  • Fact vs Fiction - Author's Book 1 commentary
  • MBTI Character Personality chart